
Are you a lover of podcasts? I’m a big fan. I love the medium where all you have is words.  In a lot of ways I become more invested in the stories then if I were watching a show. I feel like I have to concentrate more and listen harder, which I like.  My husband and I listened to a episode of “This American Life” a while back while we were in the kitchen getting stuff done.  By then end we found ourselves both seated at the table, listening, wholeheartedly.

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Any way, I’ve been binge listening to “Serial” lately. It’s a rehash of a case from the late ’90’s where a Baltimore teen was convicted of killing his ex girlfriend. The reporter isn’t trying to convince the listener of Anan’s innocence, she’s trying to figure out one way or the other right there along side you, the listener.


It’s gripping, I must say, and well worth the listen. If you’re a fan of “This American Life” or just a fan of good, old fashioned story telling I recommend you jump right in to “Serial.” You won’t be disappointed.

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